• 검색검색창 도움말
  • 경마어 연구

  • 페이스북 트위터 네이버 카카오톡
  • 이전페이지
  • 목차
  • 다음페이지
  • Chapter 1. 서론
  • 이동

h2mark 표제지


한국 경마어 연구

2005年 2月 日



尹 鎔 周


As the life style has been improved according to the rapid economy developmentand change, many people have had much interestin a racing horse industry. The living standard of people has been raised and the number of people who like a racing horse has been rapidly in creased. A racing horse has been settled and regarded as people’s healthy leisure sport. So the social recognition of a racing horse has been highly improvedday by day. At the same time the using scale of the vocabularies related with the racing horse has been wide and various. But people have had many difficulties in understanding the facts about a horse and a racing horse, because the vocabularies and the matters of some field in a horse and a racing horse have not been systemed yet. This study has referred to “The Onomasticon ofA Horse and A Racing Horses(December,1979)”, “The Onomasticon of The Horse Affairs (a racing horse․ a veterinary, March,1985)”, “TheOnomasticon of The Racing Horse (20,May, 1989)”, which were all published by The Korean Horse Affairs Association. In this study, the head words of these references are extracted and classified into Chinese, native Korean,and foreign language. Chinese is classified in to the vocabularies of aracing horse, those of the discrimination of a horse body, those of a racing horse, and those of a horse disease. And in the native Korean, and foreign language the same classification is used. According to the result of the study, first, the classification of the vocabularies related with a racing horse will be served for the people who are enjoyed in the field ofa horse affairs and a racing horse to have a critical mind and understand them easily. Second, so far, it seems that there has notbeen any study aboutthe vocabularies related with a racing horse and therefore this study will be a help for the start of th eunity and the native Korean usage the vocabularies related with a racing horse. Third, It will be served as an aid for the textbooks and the dictionaries related with the horses, which will be published later.

  • 이전페이지
  • 목차
  • 다음페이지